Bridal Shopping 101

The day is finally here! You have planned, prepped, and anxiously awaited this day for as long as you can remember, and now it is finally time to… “Say Yes” to your bridal gown! The excitement is almost too much and you’re asking yourself, “But what should I wear? '' or “Do I need to bring my shoes.. Wait! I don’t have shoes!” 

Don’t Panic!

We are here to help you know exactly what to expect. Here are 6 tips to help you prepare for your appointment:

Bring Undergarments. If you are planning on wearing spanx or shapewear on your big day… bring them,  or something similar, to your fitting for a more complete wedding day look! While most wedding gowns are made with bra cups, bustier women may benefit from additional support, so bring reinforcements as a precaution. Wearing undergarments is a must, many salons will not allow you to try on their gowns without them.  

Be flexible on your shoes. A custom hem is a great option if you are looking to save on alterations. If you choose a custom hem, don’t fully commit to a specific pair of Jimmy Choos until you have tried on your gown. By waiting until after your first fitting, you are allowing yourself the opportunity to find shoes that make your gown the perfect fit without the need of an expensive hem in alterations. But if you have already fallen in love with a specific shoe, expect that you may need to adjust the length of your gown in alterations. 

Size Chart vs Custom Size. Custom sizing is ideal when trying to save in alterations. Choosing a custom size compared to a size chart seems like a no-brainer, however it is important to know the difference between a custom and perfect fit. Wedding Planning is stressful and many women lose or gain inches without realizing. Weight can fluctuate depending on various factors and is common in most brides. Expect that you may need slight adjustments with custom sizing even if you have maintained weight, or more if you worked to lose or gain. Unless the gown is made on your person, a perfect fit is not guaranteed. 

Who can you trust with alterations? Ask your bridal salon who they recommend to take special care of your gown. Using a specialist trusted by your salon can give you peace of mind when handing it off to be worked on for that perfect fit. Call ahead of time so you can have a plan for alterations once you have your gown! 

Revel in the details. Take in every aspect of your gown. If you want to make customizations, make sure you address them in the salon with your stylist. Take a deep breath and pay attention to the design.

Celebrate! You are a beautiful bride! Bring along up to 4 of your closest friends or family members and bask in the moment, but be advised that too many opinions can be overwhelming. It’s not every day that you are the center of attention. If your schedule allows, plan a full day of brunch and pampering! Take pictures, drink champagne, and celebrate your moment!

We hope these tips help you feel at ease when going into your first bridal fitting. Rest assured that you are not alone when it comes to all of the overwhelming emotions surrounding your wedding planning agenda! If you are ever in doubt, reach out to your salon or planner for advice. That is what we are here for!

At Elizabeth Lee Bridal, it is our mission to provide a custom couture experience that enables today’s modern brides to completely design their dream gown from start to finish! Every gown is poured over to ensure each extravagant detail is perfect! We provide custom experiences that allow each bride to use their unique style to design a gown perfect for them. We understand that no bride is the same, and because of this, each paper pattern is created specifically measured to the bride that designed it. With Elizabeth Lee, your dream becomes a reality. 


Elizabeth Lee Bride-Yvette's Dream Colorado Wedding


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